CableEye Barcodes

CableEye Barcodes


CableEye Application – Barcodes

A while ago an existing CableEye® customer asked us to add barcoding to their CableEye HVX tester, so we looked at what they were doing and how we could help.

When we assessed the existing process, we found that each cable was given a 7-character label that contained the year/month/sequence-in-batch when it was tested and was only fitted to cables that PASSED the cable test. This meant that all cables that were shipped could be identified by the month/year and where in the batch it was tested. Better than nothing, but not great.

We learned that all Works Order numbers (WO numbers) were unique to a customer order but that several Part numbers (cable types) could be contained within one Works Order.

After some discussion we came up with an alternative 14-digit code containing:

Part number / WO number / Assembly Serial Number.


A fixed-length field for each element was agreed upon with the customer and a single numerical string was designed. Each Part number became a numerical lookup (1-100,000) for a given cable name in a CSV file. The lookup is a cross-reference from the numerical value in the barcode field to an ASCII text, human-readable name of ‘unlimited’ length.

barcode lookup table

We then recommended that ALL cables received their unique ident label during assembly to improve the reporting from each assembly bench so that operator retraining needs could be identified, or their crimp tools recalibrated etc.

In operation:

As the cable is taken from one of our Protean Cable Stands and put on the test bench its barcode gets scanned by the test operator (identifiable by their unique log-in).

Our script then reads the WO-specific log file (on the customer’s network) to check if the assembly has been seen before. If it has been previously tested it asks the operator if this is a retest, or not. Retests could be due to the cable having previously FAILED on the tester and been reworked, or the operator having been distracted and trying to test the same cable twice.

The script then advises the test operator which connector adaptors are needed for this assembly and to which bank each must be connected. The correct test program is automatically loaded and ready for the ‘TEST’ button to be pressed.

Once ‘TEST’ has been pressed, the WO-specific log file is opened again, this time for writing, the test is run and the test results, along with the Date/Time and the tester operator’s ID stored in the log file. If the cable PASSES the test, a tamperproof sealing label is printed and placed over the end of the connector.


Using the CableEye Standalone Software option and built-in log tools, production management has an immediate view of the production throughput and statistics from their own desk.

This relatively simple change means that every assembly has a unique identity from the point at which it is assembled, identifying the workstation and the operator.

The configuration of the CableEye test station is semi-automated, speeding up the test process and reducing error time.

ALL cables that are delivered to ALL customers have full traceability, down to the individual conductor test results. Consequently, warranty claims are dealt with quicker with fewer ‘valid’ claims, and pre-emptive training or tool servicing is easier to manage.

All of the script work was done by Cimbian UK for the customer using standard, built-in tools included with EVERY CAMI Research CableEye, as standard!


Why use Barcodes?

Barcodes are reliable, fast and eliminate operator input errors. In this case, 14 characters are entered, without error in under a second!

How are Barcodes read?

A simple USB scanner is all that is needed to read a barcode in the CableEye software.

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CableEye Needs Analysis

CableEye Needs Analysis

adpator cables needs analysis
customer specific interface
harness test
motorsport harnesses - hvx printed test report

Needs Analysis

When considering investing in a Cable Tester some initial groundwork identifying your specific requirements using a Needs Analysis can make the process a lot easier. This page will get you started on collating the information you will need to narrow down the wide range of CableEye products and options to suit your application.

Ask yourself

  1. Are you testing cables or harnesses, or both?
    Some of our customers produce straight-forward cables, such as Ethernet cables. Others produce very complex harnesses/looms. From a cable testing perspective, this can affect the number of connections required.
  2. The number of connector types
  3. Products and variants:
    • How many different cable/harness types need testing
    • How many variants of a given product need testing
  1. What will be the method of connection to the CableEye?The three main options are connecting to CB boards, Connecting via adaptor cables, and connecting via a fixture/connector panel
  2. Will interface cables be used between the CableEye and the cable/harness under test?
    • If yes, what is the longest interface cable expected?
  3. The number of cables/harnesses to be tested per month?
  4. Existing test method?
  5. Average time to test a cable/harness?
  6. Which sector is the cable/harness destined for?
  7. Working voltage of end product (cable/harness)
  8. Are you looking for a tester to configure yourself or a turnkey solution?
  9. The timescale for implementation?
  10. Budget?

We are happy to help in this process. Please just drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.

needs analysis thumbnail

Needs Analysis

When considering investing in a Cable Tester some initial groundwork identifying your specific requirements using a Needs Analysis can make the process a lot easier. This page will get you started on collating the information you will need to narrow down the wide range of CableEye products and options to suit your application.

Ask yourself

  1. Are you testing cables or harnesses, or both?
    Some of our customers produce straight-forward cables, such as Ethernet cables. Others produce very complex harnesses/looms. From a cable testing perspective, this can affect the number of connections required.
  2. The number of connector types
  3. Products and variants:
    • How many different cable/harness types need testing
    • How many variants of a given product need testing
  1. What will be the method of connection to the CableEye?The three main options are connecting to CB boards, Connecting via adaptor cables, and connecting via a fixture/connector panel
  2. Will interface cables be used between the CableEye and the cable/harness under test?
    • If yes, what is the longest interface cable expected?
  3. The number of cables/harnesses to be tested per month?
  4. Existing test method?
  5. Average time to test a cable/harness?
  6. Which sector is the cable/harness destined for?
  7. Working voltage of end product (cable/harness)
  8. Are you looking for a tester to configure yourself or a turnkey solution?
  9. The timescale for implementation?
  10. Budget?

We are happy to help in this process. Please just drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.

needs analysis thumbnail

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CableEye Twisted Pair Testing – NEW FEATURE

CableEye Twisted Pair Testing – NEW FEATURE

You asked for Twisted Pair Testing, and CAMI Research delivered!

Now available on the ever-popular CableEye range of cable testers are two new features:

  • Capacitance measurement
  • Twisted pair testing and verification
  • Twisted pair ethernet cables

Combining these two features also gives a distance-to-fault testing capability, which means that incoming inspection can test new reels of cable prior to accepting for production.

Available immediately, the new CableEye M4 tester is the same, compact and rugged format as the M2 and M3 systems and utilises the same software, though extended for the new twisted pair testing and capacitance testing capabilities.

The initial application is to detect the infamous ‘Ethernet’ cable issue of incorrectly paired cores (eg CAT5/CAT6 cables).

During a single test phase the CableEye M4 will:

  • check continuity for shorts and opens
  • check resistance (the 4-wire option will increase precision when needed)
  • check for diodes (presence, polarity, and forward voltage drop)
  • check capacitance
  • check for miswired pairs using a new technique across multiple pairs
  • report Pass/Fail
  • display results in wiring diagram or table format
  • log the result – even to a network drive
  • print a detailed report on any windows printer – even networked
  • print a label on local or network label printers

And all of this happens within a matter of seconds, using a single button-press from a low-skilled operator!

For more details on all of the CableEye products from CAMI Research take a look at our dedicated section here

twisted pair testing

Cimbian UK will be demonstrating a brand new M4 on Stand A52 at the WNIE show (NEC 25th and 26th September), and will also be available for technical discussions, and to help you get the best from your Cable and Cable Harness Testing.

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How to make easy CableEye backups

How to make easy CableEye backups

Easy CableEye backups

Working with any programmable equipment really needs a way of keeping data secure. This page will show you how to make easy CableEye backups for your CableEye M2/M3/HVX tester from CAMI Research.

CableEye includes a built-in Backup and Restore function that has a number of uses:

  1. to make secure regular backups to avoid data loss
  2. to make a secure backup prior to upgrading any software
  3. to copy the correct folder structure between computers
  4. to send essential data to us for support

In the following video we are creating a data file for backups, but the process is the same for support requests or transferring data to another machine.

Of course, as CableEye is a PC based system, it is just as easy for you to send your backups to a network drive that is also included in your Company’s IT backup process, thereby creating another layer of security for your investment.

How frequently you make backups depends on how often you make changes in your software; however, as the process is so simple you should look to do this at least once per week. Perhaps at the close of business on Friday; however, our recommendation is daily.

Making life easy for our customers is a cornerstone of what we do at Cimbian UK.

For more information on CableEye or on how we can provide you with support just drop us a line by returning the form below:

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Motorsport harnesses

Motorsport harnesses

Motorsport harnesses live in a hostile world… CableEye makes sure they are ready.

If you stop to think for a moment of the environment that motorsport harnesses have to operate in, it’s a pretty mean place.

  • Chemical contamination
  • Extremes of temperature
  • Vibration
  • Electrical noise

Cimbian UK, working as exclusive distributor for CableEye from CAMI Research, has many years of helping people to both improve their processes and, up-rate their testing to ensure that cable-harnesses leave the assembly department ready for reliable, long-life operation.

CableEye provides two real options for testing motorsport cable-harnesses:

  1. A low-voltage system (M3U) for testing continuity between programmable thresholds as well as measuring resistance and testing diodes.
  2. A high-voltage (HiPot) system (HVX) which does everything the M3U does but also provides a parametric test at high-voltage to test for insulation breakdown and/or whiskers.

The unique measurement algorithms used in CableEye ensure that every point is tested against every other point at high speed, and is tested using a bi-polar method to ensure that the continuity is good in both directions.

After a cable-harness has passed its low-voltage test it will then switch, automatically, into the HiPot mode. Here the assembly undergoes several different stages of test including dcV and acV, both with a programmable ramp-up and ramp-down rates to prevent damage to the insulation that may lead to early life failures (vehicle breakdown).


motorsport harnesses - programmable ramp-up

Both the CableEye M3U and the CableEye HVX use the same software, which includes serial number entry by barcode (a single barcode can contain Serial number, batch, operator ID, part-code and more), data logging, and reporting.

Testing motorsport harnesses in the real-world:

Colin Harmer, owner of Creative Motorsport Solutions and user of a 256 pin HVX HiPot tester, seen below, said:

In this test, the customer had an issue that pointed at the corner looms being “suspect”. These were not looms we built but because the CableEye tester is so flexible we could quickly reverse engineer the loom, check it against the supplied drawings, and perform a Hi-Pot test in very little time. In general, motorsport-type builds are typically low volume which puts a premium on flexibility with fixtures and ease of use, which is a true delineator of the CAMI testers. We are now able to easily Hi-Pot test every product we produce which ensures that the client receives a goods that are exactly to specification. By keeping records of all the tests, we can easily retest at a future point to ensure that there’s been no change in the loom.

motorsport harnesses - test result

There are no “off the shelf” (interface fixture) solutions for motorsport connectors, so these have to be made.” “Each board is a breakout of 64 test points. Boards are modular so you can mix and match to fit the loom you’re testing.

motorsport harnesses - test station and report

Image (Courtesy Of Creative Motorsport Solutions) Of  A 256 Test Point Continuity &Amp; Hipot Harness Tester With Interface Fixtures Comprising A 128 Test Point Base Unit ,With One Expansion Module. The Tester Is Further Expandable To 1024 Test Points.

For more information on how a CableEye cable test system can help you in testing your motorsport harnesses simply fill in the form below and drop us a line.

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PinMap puts meaning into your cable test results

PinMap puts meaning into your cable test results

Using CableEye PinMap makes test results relevant.

A cable tester typically has a bank of interface pins that may be labelled 1 to xxxx or A:1 – D:64 etc which is great if you are only testing those cables that have the same reference. But, if your cables have any other form of pin reference your operator is left with no alternative but to use a lookup table; a slow and error-prone method, even on a good day. Enter PinMap!

With CableEye things are very different.

Through our Connector Editor, you can easily create complex, custom connectors from photographs, scans, PDFs, or even draw something yourself. Once done you then switch to PinMap.

PinMap is a fast and simple way of creating an internal lookup table that ‘Maps’ the logical pin names of your connector (ie J1:A, J1:B etc.) to the physical pins of the tester (1,2,3, etc.). This lookup reference table, or ‘PinMap’, is then used in all reporting, be it on-screen or printed.

Finally, your test results actually relate directly to your connectors on your cable or harness assembly.

CableEye’s PinMap, from CAMI Research, enables you to enter data directly into the connector pin-table or by very simply ‘scanning’ the pins into place, as this video demonstrates.

It is really this simple and this quick!

We have customers with hundreds of custom connectors, all mapped and made relevant to their operators, and customers, in this way.

For more information or the loan of a demo system, get in contact with us.

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