I need a cable harness tester, not a cable tester!
During a recent discussion with a customer, he declared that he started out looking for a cable harness tester but was put-off by the price and complexity so he decided to opt for a cable tester to handle the ‘simple’ cables.
As the discussion moved ahead we went through some of the hundreds of applications currently running on CAMI Research CableEye systems around the world when the penny dropped for him… CableEye IS a cable harness tester!
CableEye also self-learns, tests, logs the test result data, and generates a test result record.
He laid one of his cable harnesses on the table. the cable harness, which had seven connectors sections, was from a “mission-critical” project, where ‘near-enough’ was not ‘good enough’. Three connectors could clearly be seen as ‘one end’ of the harness whilst the other four were along the rest of the cable harness. This was, simply, no problem for CableEye.
As soon as the connectors had been selected/created in the PC’s library and added to a CableEye ‘fixture‘ it was a simple case of learning the cable harness, checking the learn against the design drawing, and saving. CableEye was now ready to test these harnesses. Development time around 10 minutes… test time, less than three seconds, including generating a PDF report!
It is the power of the PC-based architecture that enables CableEye to be so versatile. Capturing continuity is one thing, using the captured results in a meaningful and useful way takes a PC and very special software.
What is cable harness tester?
A cable harness tester is a precision electronic instrument that will verify that a cable or wiring harness is connected correctly between the different connectors fitted. For example, CableEye is an automated tester that will also learn the correct connections from a known-good cable or wiring harness.
What is the difference between a cable and a harness?
A cable is typically made ‘end-to-end’. It may have multiple connectors on either end but don’t, generally split-out to additional connectors. a wire harness, on the other hand, may have one or multiple connectors at one end and may split out across several connectors along its length
How is testing a cable harness different from testing a cable?
The principle difference is in the software. Testing a harness requires advanced algorithms, such as in CableEye, to make sense of the interconnections between the terminal connectors. Most cheap cable testers struggle with this.
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