Cable Testing Service

As an established supplier of industrial cable test systems, we know the sort of problems that arise in cable assembly and we know how to find them.

customer specific interfaces

Customer Specific Interfaces

customer specific interface

Customer Specific Interface

interface designed and built for a cableeye customer

Interface Designed And Built For A Cableeye Customer

With over 35 years in the test business, we can design/produce cable test interfaces and programs as well as carry out the actual cable testing service for you on a fast turnaround basis. You ship us the cables and we return them fully tested.

Cable testing service available from Cimbian UK includes:

    • Helping you with the test specification
    • Building the test interface, where necessary
    • Creating the test program
    • Barcoding
    • Test reports
    • Simple continuity testing
    • Measurement/verification of resistances and diodes (traceable to national standards)
    • Hi-Pot testing to 2100Vdc / 1200Vac

Any custom interfaces and programs we develop for you are retained. Should you later invest in one of our CableEye cable testers for your own use these are then supplied free of charge to you when we deliver the tester!

Of course, we can also supply complete test solutions to you using a CableEye tester and custom interfacing if needed. Take a look here:  CableEye Cable Testing.

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